today v had gone to Sunwat Resort Hotel to become helper for a talk.
at the early morning of 5.45am, i've waked up since they wan us to depart from sg.long at 6.30am.
actually it is a very nice job to work as, becoz at there v r oni walking around or sit~~~tat's all...
the main job for me actually is oni take the souvenir out to the stage and giv to particular ppl~~~
besides, v also have ate some nice food at in conclusion ,tis time helper oni doin their job needed, and then will be free for the whole's moderate...but still quite a nice experience..
v oso did take a lot of picture~~~here and there~~~diff type of pose~~~~
and v did noe some fren here...
after the talk ended, v r so tired but still yihui them asking for ice skating~~wat the~~~
the time really not suitable for us and then v waste a lot of and maybel and wenling decided not to follow yihui them,so they decide to play bowling....
but after v knew that the bus can go pj, yihui them all come back directly,so wasted~~~
here i need to thx for weng yue to fetch me home since it is so late....
besides, i oso wan to thx some1 help me, but i still bring trouble to her....
tat's all for me today~~~if wanna c photo, plz refer to my friendster and facebook~~~
yeah...v all had a wonderful experience at thr..somemore can eat so many nice fun...hehe...should thanks to cathy..haha..